Work More Productively Blog | Premier Workspaces

3 Tech Tools to Make Your Private Workspace Productive

Written by C. Brown | 07/22/2019

Technology, in its paradoxical way, has the power to bring about the best of times and the worst of times. Charles Dickens may have originated the phrase in the 19th century, but it applies just as well today. Computers and the internet can be equal parts time-saver and time-waster. How can we take the reins and use technology to be more productive in our private workspaces?

Gloria Mack, a professor at The University of California at Irvine, found in her study, The Cost of Interrupted Work: More Speed and Stress, that it takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to refocus after an interruption.

Sure, you could be interrupted by a phone call, colleagues chatting, a fire alarm or the need to eat or use the restroom. But how often do you interrupt yourself? How often do you check your email, social media, voicemail, texts, stocks? How often do you check the latest news, weather, or sports scores? Is your phone your kryptonite? 

All these interruptions are giant time sucks and can leave you working 14-hour days, but accomplishing little.

How do we make a U-turn and use technology to our advantage? What are the most important tools you need to make your private workspace more productive?

1. Reliable WiFi

Wherever you open your laptop, you need reliable WiFi. One of the reasons you may have decided to rent a private workspace was that you were frustrated with your WiFi, whether you worked in your apartment building, an internet café, or your local library. 

Too many users can slow down your connection. You might be typing an important email, not noticing your signal is becoming anemic, then you click “send” and the dreaded T-rex pops up on your screen, informing you that the time you spent composing your message has been wasted.

Furthermore, public WiFi isn’t safe for sensitive data. Sure, you can use a VPN, but choosing the wrong one can be just as annoying as spotty WiFi.

When you rent private workspace from Premier Workspaces, you get a strong, dependable, safe internet connection. (And no T-rexes.)

2. Video conferencing technology

Yes, you can Skype with clients or use Zoom or GoToMeeting, but what if you need a more sophisticated system? 

Having access to the best video conferencing technology can make or break your meeting. Dropped signals and problems with sound just waste time.

Imagine being able to rent a full-sized conference room with a 60-inch screen or dual monitors, so everyone in the room can interact with the other attendees, whether they are across the country or across the world. Virtual meetings like this save time, and time is money.

This kind of state-of-the-art equipment costs thousands of dollars and may be out of reach for many small-business owners who often have to rely on older, simpler technology. Why not take advantage of the perks that come with private office space?

3. Cloud computing

Using the cloud versus a local server helps boost productivity in several ways. The first is by allowing your employees or freelancers to access files from their individual locations. You don’t have to worry about sending files back and forth, and you don’t have to make physical space for your workers to come into the office. 

A article, quoting research done by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, said the majority of businesses believe using cloud computing helps them be more competitive. The technology allows them to stay on the cutting edge of industry developments, respondents said, pushing out products and services faster, thereby making it easier for small businesses to compete with larger ones.

These are just some of the ways technology can help you be more productive at work, stop wasting time, and gain that competitive edge. 

Take advantage of the newest, most up-to-date technology when you rent private office space from Premier Workspaces. From the most modern equipment to high-speed, reliable WiFi, Premier Workspaces has what you need. Contact us today to find out how we can help your business reach peak productivity.