Work More Productively Blog | Premier Workspaces

Premier: New Name-Same Great Workspaces

Written by C. Brown | 05/02/2019

Premier Business Centers, a longtime leader in the flexible office space industry, has a new name: Premier Workspaces.

The change to our name reflects the changes in the industry, which has gone from fairly spartan quarters to the varied upscale offerings of today, including our coworking spaces, shared office space, executive suites, private offices, virtual offices, and conference/meeting room facilities.

CEO Jeff Reinstein states:

“The new name more accurately reflects the products and services that we offer and the modern look and feel of our centers, while at the same time embracing all of the existing principles of what our original name stood for these past 17 years. Our goal is to introduce businesses of all sizes to the workspace and services that they need to succeed — while simultaneously moving our brand forward.”

Our company officially began operations in 2002, when we bought out American Office Centers, which had nine locations. We added to that number over the years, acquiring other struggling shared workspaces companies as well as opening new locations. 

Premier now has more than 90 locations in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Texas, Washington, and the District of Columbia. We open a new one every 45 days, on average. Combined, our locations total over 1.5 million square feet of commercial office space.

What’s Different About Premier Workspaces? 

These acquisitions, combined with the changes the industry undergoes as it continues to grow and evolve, makes now the perfect time for the rebranding. At Premier, we have carved out a niche in the industry, and we want everyone to know it.

Underscoring where the brand falls on the industry spectrum, Reinstein adds:

“Premier Workspaces offers coworking and shared office space with larger offices, more privacy in a more professional environment than many of our competitors.” 

Premier has broken away from the pack of shared office space providers that have more of a warehouse-type environment by developing more customized workspaces that better fit our individual clients. Premier caters to small-business owners, sole proprietors, and professionals in private practice, such as lawyers, realtors, CPAs, and others in similar professions.

Why Premier Workspaces?

Many of Premier’s clients — and we have more than 15,000 — enjoy the flexibility we provide in terms of space, technology, and support services. We see to it that our clients are properly set up to hit the ground running, so they can can enter their coworking space with everything they need.

Your space doesn't include only four walls and a door, it includes the ongoing support of our friendly, professional staff. It’s this type of personal service that sets Premier apart from other companies providing shared office space. 

We’re excited about our new name change, and we can’t wait to dive into all the great things that come next for Premier Workspaces.

“This is a new milestone for Premier,” Reinstein said, “and the rebrand is a testament to the confidence we have in the work we are doing and where we are going.”

View our official name change announcement or to learn more about the incredible suite of Premier spaces and services, visit our website.